Saturday, January 10, 2009

What if...???

hey everybody!! i know i just wrote a blog but i forgot to tell you about this uber fun new game i learned!!! its called "what if" ill explain it. everyone sits in a circle or at a table or whatever pleases you. then you pass out a little piece of paper and a pen to all players. evryone thinks of a random question that starts with what if... after everyone is done writing there question, you collect the papers, mix them up and pass them out. everybody answers the question that they get, then you mix them up and pass them around again. then the fun starts!! you read the question on your paper, but the person to your left/right answers it with the answer on there paper!!! it is soooooo fun!!! the scary part is that most of the question/answer combinations actually work!!! HOPE YOU HAVE FUN!!!!


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